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The Phönix-Cards – 44 archetypes for your inner light

44 archetype cards and a 192-page booklet, August 2024.
Archetypes are universal patterns and images that arise from the collective unconscious. Each archetype that we carry within is more than just a symbol; it represents our deepest desires and intentions, directs our energy and determines our reactions. Bestselling author, coach and Youtuber Anne Vonjahr (“The Phoenix Experience”), known through World of Beyond, shows you how to use this deck of cards to enter your inner world and get to know the archetypes within you. She describes 44 archetypes with their light and shadow sides, explains laying patterns and how you can use the cards to meet yourself and really understand yourself.
● The first card deck by bestselling author Anne Vonjahr (“The Phoenix Experience”)
● Contents: 44 oracle cards in full color, slip lid box with UV spot varnish and approx. 192-page booklet

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